Why red fruit lately become so famous? Certainly not because the red, red fruit in fact has the ability to help cure many diseases.
The types of diseases that can be treated red fruit, among others:
Although the experts have for years trying to make a cure for AIDS is still not yet found the cure. You may not believe it himself felt about the benefits of red fruit on this one. But the efficacy of red fruit has been proven to cure AIDS. One is freed from the clutches of death from AIDS is Agustina Sawery.
Agustina Sawery her weight had dropped from 50 kg to 27 kg. He had anal infection, liver dysfunction, bercendawan mouth and lung infections. Agustina seemingly just waiting for the hour of his death. So he came to the Drs I Made Budi Made MS.Saat it is well known in Papua because often treat diseases such as cancer with red fruit extracts. Agustina then given extracts of red fruits consumed three times a day.
Since the consumption of red fruit it began to improve. Weight that had dropped to a 27 kg began to increase to 46 kg. Her skin is all smooth busik back. Hair loss had started to grow again. Agustina become much more fit.
Reported that the ability to cure AIDS red fruit is due to the red fruit contains tocopherol and beta-carotene are very high. Both these ingredients act as an antioxidant and can improve the immune system. Tocopherol and beta-carotene eventually combine to break down the amino acids needed by the virus that causes AIDS, HIV, so the virus can not establish his life.
2. Cancer and Tumor
Other efficacy of red fruit is the treating cancers and tumors. Cancer and tumors without a doubt is one of the biggest causes of death. What is caused by cancer and the tumor? The disease is caused by hormones in the body disorder that causes the growth of meat in the normal tissues.
Red fruit can cure cancer because tokoferolnya very high content of achieving 11,000 ppm and 7000 ppm betakarotennya reach. Both these compounds act as antioxidants and enhance immune system and prevent the propagation of cancer cells.
3. Stroke and Blood Pressure
Stroke is caused by the frozen blood and blood vessel narrowing. One cause of this disease are high blood pressure. High blood pressure causes blood clots that narrows blood vessels, decreased blood supplai result. Moreover, the blood vessels can rupture. This disease, if not fatal, can cause paralysis of the limbs.
High blood itself caused by the work of the heart's blood pumping too fast. This is one of them due to lack of oxygen or blood oxygen that is too thick.
Red fruits that contain tocopherol can thin the blood and facilitate blood circulation so that oxygen content in the blood to be normal.
4. Acid Urat
Dsebabkan uric acid because of disruption of liver function so that the liver produces excess uric acid. Finally uric acid deposited in the kidneys to stone and brought to the ends of fingers and toes and collect there.
Tocopherol in the blood red fruit and improve the work system lever. Work system lever, after repair, to produce uric acid levels are normal.
5. Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes)
The disease is caused by the pancreas gland is not able to produce insulin in sufficient quantities. As a result, blood sugar content increased.
Tocopherol content of the red fruit of the pancreas that work to improve pancreatic function is normalized.
6. Osteoporosis
Due to bone loss, osteoporosis caused by calcium deficiency. This disease generally attacks those who are aged dusk.
Red fruit is rich in calcium so as to prevent and treat osteoporosis. In 100 grams of fresh red fruit contained 54,000 milligrams of calcium.
7. Eye disorders
High content of beta-carotene in the red fruit can handle many types of eye diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin A. Beta-carotene is absorbed by the body and processed into vitamin A.
8. Improving Intelligence
Content of omega 3 and omega 6 in the red fruit can stimulate the brain works and enhance intelligence. Therefore red fruit suitable for consumption by children.
9. Increasing Passion and Fertility
Red fruit, according to those who consume them, can help improve male sexual arousal. Effect of treatment varies, there is a reaction after 15 minutes of drinking it, there is also the after one or two hours of drinking.
Vitamin E in the red fruit helps increase sperm production. In addition, red fruit containing high energy, which is 360 calories.
In addition to efficacy, benefits that have been mentioned above, red fruit can also rumored to treat gastric diseases, hemorrhoids, disorders of the lungs and so on.