Thursday, October 29, 2009

Noni Fruit Benefits

ncrease Endurance Body :

Clinical investigations conducted by Dr. Schechter (Institute of Natural Medicine in California) to produce important data about the ability of Noni juice, among which stimulates production of T cells in the immune system (T cells play an important role in the fight against disease); strengthen the immune system, especially makrofaset and lymphocytes from white blood cells; showed anti-bacterial effects; have the effect of anti-pain / pain (analgesic); inhibits cell growth of pre-cancerous cells / tumors of the ability to normalize the function of cells abnormal.

Mona Harrison, MD of Boston University School of Medicine and medical director of the DC General Hospiial, USA reported that Noni increases the function of the thyroid gland and thymus gland, which is believed to act against infections and problems associated with the immune system.
Normalize blood pressure :
According to Neil Solomon, MD.PhD, researchers from the American health problems reported that the Noni fruit contains a type of phytonutrients, namely scopoletin which is used to widen the blood vessels that have refinements. This causes the heart does not have to work too hard to pump blood, so blood pressure became normal.

The results of tests on animals show that scopoletin lowering high blood pressure and normal to low (hypotension, abnormal). However, contained scopoletin in Noni fruit can interact synergistically with Nutraceuticals (food served to treatment) to regulate other high blood pressure became normal, but do not lower blood pressure is normal. Never found cases in which normal blood pressure dropped to result in low blood pressure (hypotension).
The experts from Stanford University, University of Hawaii, University of California (UCLA), Union College of London, University of Meets in France who has studied the Noni plant was agreed that contribute to lower blood pressure in many cases.
Simple clinical trial conducted by Scott Gerson, MD (from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York) indicates that many users Noni reported that their blood pressure is high when you stop drinking Noni juice, and return to normal when consumed Noni fruit juice is regularly.
Against tumors and cancer.
An interesting paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association fin. Cancer Research to-83 in San Diego, California, in 1992 was the "Anti-tumor activity Morinda citrifolia on Lewis Lung Carcinoma in Mice injected." In this study, rats were given an injection of an active Lewis Lung Carcinoma (a type of cancer). All the mice that did not get the treatment with Noni die in 9-12 days due to cancer. Whereas rats treated with Noni survive 105 percent to 123 percent longer (40 per cent of the rats that live up to 50 days or more). This study was repeated several times and each time Mengkudu proven to significantly extend the life-aged mice with cancer compared with rats not treated with Noni. In summary, the results of this study revealed that Noni can inhibit tumor growth.
A year later the journal Cancer Letters (vol.3, 1993) reported the discovery of anti-cancer agent / damnacanthal the Noni extract is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
There are several cases of cancer patients who consumed Noni fruit juice and be cured, among other cases of his patients. Harrison (DC General Hospital), who suffered from liver cancer and stomach pemhengkakan caused by excessive fluid. During the 7 days to consume Noni juice, swelling in the stomach significantly reduced. Testing of the liquid touched her stomach showed that cancer cells had disappeared.
According to Drs. Judah Folkman of Harvard University, Noni works synergistically with other micronutrients in the blood flow menghamhat leading to tumor cells. The mechanism is similar to squalen oil (from shark liver) that control brain tumor growth and prolong the life of experimental mice with damaged equipment that supply blood circulation to the tumor cells.
Eliminate Pain
Noni fruit's ability as an analgesic substance has been known in the history of traditional medicine, so this plant is called "Painkiller tree" or "headache tree". Scientific research has proven beneficial effects of Noni to overcome the pain. In 1990, the researchers found a significant relationship between the dose of Noni juice extract with analgesic activity tikustikus experiment (generally, the more widely used, the effect will be stronger analgesiknya).
Many theories that describe how the mechanism of pain Noni. One of them is Dr theory. Ralph Heinicke (famous biochemist from the U.S.) who said that xeronine who played a role in relieving pain. This is associated with the ability to normalize protein xeronine cells abnormal, including cells of brain tissue, where berasalnya pain.
Several cases of chronic pain such as headaches constantly, muscle pain and joint pain nerves healed after consuming Noni juice.
Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic
Compounds scopoletin (metoksi-hydroxy-kumarin) is very effective as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. Medical literature reporting the success of treatment in arthritis, bursitis, car-pal tunnel syndrome and allergies by using scopoletin.
Bryant Bloss, MD, an orthopedic specialist from Indiana, USA reported the success of Noni juice cure was experiencing back pain and also the 15 patients. Meanwhile, the 8 patients reported knee pain (osteoarthritis) is almost not felt for taking Noni juice. Three of his patients. Bloss with asthma experience more progress with less cough. Some patients with rheumatoid arthritis are also beginning to experience significant improvement after drinking Noni juice. He offers Noni juice as additional food / supplement, and not as a drug to the patient.
Research results published journal darn Pacific Science (vo1.4, 1950) reported Noni bahma contain anti-bacterial ingredients that can be used to treat heart disease digestive problems. Antraquinon that many compounds found in Noni roots were able to fight bacteria that menyehabkan Staphylococcus infections in the heart and Shigella bacteria that cause dysentery.
Noni is anti-bacterial against: Bacillus subtilis, Escherichicr coli, Proteus morganii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella montevdleo, schotmuelleri Salmonella, Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexnerii, Shigella paraciysenteriae BH und III-Z, Staphylococcus aureus.
Dr. Robert Young, a microbiologist from Utah, USA discovered yeast and molds and fungi can produce toxins that menyehabkan sick cells because the degree of acid (pH) increases. By consuming Noni juice, the situation can be overcome because Noni helps regulate body pH balance, thus increasing kernampuan body absorb vitamins, minerals and protein.
Set the Mood Cycles (Mood) :
One of the other capabilities that are owned by seopoletin can bind serotonin. According to Drs. Harrison (DC.General Hospital, USA) scopoletin can increase peneal gland activity present in the brain, which is a place where serotonin is produced and then used to produce the hormone melatonin. Serotonin is one of the important substances in the blood granules (platelets) that lines the human digestive tract and brain.
In dalarn brain, serotonin acts as neutrotrcrnsmitter, advice and a signal conductor hormone melatonin precursor. Serotonin and melatonin to help regulate body activities such as sleep, body temperature regulation, mood (mood), the onset of puberty and egg production cycle, hunger and sexual behavior. Lack of serotonin in the body can lead to disease migraines, dizziness, depression, and even Alzheimer's disease.
Set the Cycle Energy Body :
Dr. Harrison also reported that the body's energy frequency changes are also caused by the positive activities Noni juice. Effects, among others; can stabilize blood sugar, reduces menstrual pain time, reducing the desire to urinate at night for men who have prostate swelling.
According to Drs. Heinicke (biochemist from the U.S.), xeronine also played a role in the process of the body's energy cycle. He explained the mechanism as follows, xeronine will be absorbed in a place close to the absorption of endorphin and act as a precursor hormone (co-hormone) to activate the receptor protein that gives good feelings / comfortable. As a result people will feel comfortable and have lots of energy after consuming Noni juice.
Main Benefits
Research on Noni continues to grow, both conducted by the doctors and botanists and biochemists. Research focused on komponenkomponen / chemical composition and effects of Noni contains terapetiknya against various diseases.
These studies show that Noni juice can stimulate the immune system, regulate cell function and regeneration of cells damaged body tissue. The fact that indicates that Noni can set cells on the bottom level of critical and it may explain why Noni can be used for a variety of health conditions.
The doctors in the United States has given many reports of success using Noni juice for his patients. Dr. Richard Dicks (from New Jersey, USA) says, "we began to realize that we must go back to the basics of our body. What is meant by metabolism in the body is burning nutrients. Noni juice protects our body by providing nutrients needed by the the body. "
Additional benefits of benefit -

Noni-efficacy has other properties that have not been proven medically, but empirically has many people who experience health improvement after consuming the juice. Some health problems can be overcome by using Noni:

Digestive System: Stomach bloating, wounds in the small intestine, stomach ulcers, vomiting and food poisoning.
Respiratory system: cough, bronchitis, sore throat, tuberculosis, cholera, fever in infants, sinusitis, asthma.
Cardiovascular system: high cholesterol, thickening of the heart muscle, increasing oxygen transport in the cell.
Diseases of skin: burns, wounds, scabies, boils, cellulite, skin worms, dandruff, ringworm, and inflammation of the skin, skin ulcers, and problems at other skin.
Mouth and throat: Sore throat, bleeding gums, cough, thrush, toothache.
Menstrual disorders: premenstrual syndrome, menstrual cycle irregularities, pain during menstruation.
The young Awet: Noni juice can be used as a tonic to overcome the wrinkles due to aging process.
Diseases in the body: Diabetis, chronic hepatitis, pelvic pain, headaches, kidney dysfunction, bladder stones, ganguan on thyroid hormone.
Immune deficiency: disease Epstein-Barr virus, chronic candidiasis, diseases caused by HIV infection, lack of energy (AES = altered energy syndrome).

Banana benefits

1 Power Source
Bananas can be easily digested, so that the sugar contained therein will be converted into a good energy source for the formation of the body, working muscles and also very good to eliminate fatigue.
2. Pregnant women
Women who were pregnant are encouraged to eat bananas, because it contains high folic acid is important for the perfection of the fetus, the formation of new cells and preventing birth defects occur.
A ripe banana, will contain about 85-100 calories. So that by eating two fresh bananas, folic acid needs about 58 micrograms can be fulfilled. In addition, the banana will help keep blood sugar levels can reduce sick morning, so the banana is very good for pregnant mothers snacks.
3. Patients with Anemia
Iron content of a high enough on bananas, can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood for patients with anemia. Two bananas a day, very good for people with anemia.
4. Ulcer pain sufferers
As a fruit that can be consumed directly, bananas do not irritate or damage the intestine for ulcer sufferers. The fruit is often used to fight bowel disease, because the soft texture.
Bananas also can neutralize excess stomach acid and coat the stomach so as to reduce irritation. For those who have bowel disease or colic due to stomach acid, you can consume with the mixed liquid in a glass of milk.
5. Lever Disease Patients
For patients with liver, two bananas a day with the addition of one tablespoon of honey, be good to increase appetite and increase strength.
6. Burn Patients
Especially for people with burns, you can use banana leaves as a treatment. Way, dioles burned skin with a mixture of banana leaf ash and coconut oil. This mixture can cool the burned skin.
7. The Experiencing Stress
Bananas contain potassium, which is a vital mineral which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulate the balance of water levels in the body. When experiencing stress, increases metabolism, thereby reducing our potassium levels. With bananas, potassium levels in the body will be balanced.
8. Stroke Patients
Based on the research of The New England Journal of Medicine, eating bananas every day would reduce the risk of death from stroke by 40%.
9. Controlling temperature
In some countries, the banana is considered as cooling foods that can lower the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure the baby is born with a cool temperature.
10. Increase Brainpower
In an English school, 200 students able to complete the final exam with just a banana for breakfast. They also often eat bananas during recess and lunch, because bananas can improve brain power.
English School is a research respondents, and prove that the potassium in bananas to make the students become more active in the learning process.
On the other hand, the banana is also useful for beauty. As with other fruits such as avocado, and cucumber Bengkuang, bananas are also often used as a facial mask, or to cope with damaged hair and smoothed his hands.
Bananas also have a role in the decrease or increase the weight. A study has shown, that a person can lose weight with a diet of bananas.
If you want to lose weight, how easy. Every day consume four bananas and four glasses of non-fat milk or fresh milk a day. Do it for three days a week.
Of bananas and milk, you get 1.250 calories. The menu is quite healthy for your body. In addition to weight loss, diet banana skin also helps to be more clean and not oily.
Those who want to add weight, consume a glass of banana shakes are mixed with honey, nuts and mango, after dinner. This menu if taken every day, will help raise the weight.
Not to many know, that banana was also able to help smokers overcome nicotine addiction. Vitamins B6 and B12 found in bananas, can neutralize the effects of nicotine in the body. Even the enzyme bromelain contained in bananas too, proved to increase male libido.

sapodilla duren

Trees are always green and growing fast, can reach 30 m high Bark dark gray to whitish, with lots of trees that emit latex, a thick white sap when wounded.
Single leaf-golden brown (chrysophyllum means golden leaf), because of the fine hairs that grow mainly on the underside of the leaves and the rerantingan; upper surface of the hot-shaven and bright green. Take turns sitting leaves, scattered, oval to circular inverted eggs, 3-6 x 5-16 cm, such as skin, 0,6-1,7 cm long stemmed.
Located in the armpit Perbungaan leaves, a group of 5-35 small flowers, long-stemmed small, yellowish-white to lavender, cotton candy. Petals 5 strands, round up, round eggs; crown bercuping tubulate 5, round eggs, up to 4 mm long.
Buni fruit is round to oval breech, 5-10 cm in diameter, with smooth shiny skin of the fruit, purplish brown or yellowish-green to whitish. Skin rather thick, clay, many contain latex and can not be eaten. Flesh white or purple fruit, soft and high in fruit juice, sweet, wrapped in white endokarp consisting of 4-11 space that looks like a star when cut crosswise. 3-10 seed grain, slightly flattened oval, light brown to dark purple, hard shiny.

Usability :
Chrysophyllum cainito generally consumed as fresh fruit, although can also be used as a raw material of ice cream or sherbet (sherbet). Duren sapodilla trees to bear fruit after 5-6 years of age, and usually the peak season in the Java fruit in the dry season.
In addition, many parts of the medicinal trees; eg bark, sap, fruits and seeds. Boiled leaves are used to treat diabetes and rheumatism. From pepagannya (bark) produced tonic and cough medicine.
The tree is often used as an ornamental and shade trees in parks and side streets. The wood is good enough as a building material. And branches of old used to grow orchids.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Pineapple, pineapple, or Ananas (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) Is a type of tropical plant from Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. These plants included in the pineapple family-nanasan (Family Bromeliaceae). Physique (habitus) tumbuhannya low, herbs (chronic) with 30 or more leaves are long, pointed, arranged in the form roset thick around the trunk. The fruit is in English called a pineapple because of its shape like a pine tree. The name 'pineapple' comes from the Tupi name for this fruit: anana, meaning "excellent fruit". Honeyeater (hummingbird) is the natural pollinators of this fruit, although many insects also have the same role.
Model Appliances Sungkul fruit with pineapple motif carved on the house of Banjar in South Kalimantan.
Pineapple fruit as it sold the fruit is not true, but a combination of real fruit (scar visible from every 'scales' on the skin of fruit) are incorporated in their development - together with the cob (spadix) compound interest - into a' fruit 'big. Pineapple is cultivated people have lost their ability to reproduce sexually, but he developed a young plant (the 'crown' fruit) which is a means of vegetative propagation.

In Indonesia, Lampung province is a major pineapple growing areas, with some pineapple processing plant was also found there.

-Contains vitamins B and C.
-Contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose, and the enzyme bromelain.
-Bromelain as a potent anti-inflammatory, helps soften the food in the stomach, and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
-The fiber content can facilitate defecation in constipated patients.
-Prevent a heart attack and stroke / receipt.
-Elimination of infection in the digestive tract.
-Pineapple aids digestion of proteins and accelerate the healing process
-Fruit is rich pineapple enzyme bromelain which is useful for throat and helps digestion. The enzyme bromelain digest protein in the food and prepare it to be easy to be absorbed by the body.
-Pineapple can also be used to mengempukkan meat. In addition to the above uses, pineapple contains citric and malic acid which gives a sense of sweet and sour fruit. These acids make the pineapple into food that is widely used to make sweet and sour dishes.
-Bromelain helps wound healing process and reduce swelling or inflammation in the body. Pineapple is a good option for patients before and after surgery.
-Function as cleaning
-Pineapple is also clean. The enzyme bromelain helps cleanse the body and balance the acidity in the blood. Pineapple raise blood levels of alkaline and help to relieve edema disease by reducing the excess water in the body.
-Pineapple is one of the few fruits that have Aspartic acid content is high enough. Aspartic acid functions as an amino acid in our body that helps the body's metabolic processes. This acid also helps remove ammonia acid in the body. Ammonia is a dangerous poison for the central nervous system.

-1. Lemon (juice) Pineapple: Parasitic Worms, sore throat, Beri-beri, weight loss, digestive problems
-2. Pineapple leaves (washed, finely ground, in a sick balurkan): For burns, itching and sores
-3. Dandruff: Provide 1 / 4 ripe pineapple fruit. Peel the skin, then grated, squeezed, and strained. Add juice of 1 orange juice and stir until blended. Use this mixture to rub the scalp of dandruff. Do it the night before bed. The next morning wash hair. Do it 2-3 times a week.
-4. Inflammation of the skin: provide 1 / 2 fruit ripe pineapple. Peel the skin, and scarring. Results parutannya used to rub the scaly skin and peeling. Do it once a day, the night before bed. The next morning just washed. Do it every day.
-5. Constipation: drink juice from pineapple fruit 3, but choose the fruit that is immature and a little bit sour.

-1. Potential young pineapple abortivum or a drug that can be an abortion. Therefore, the pineapple can be used to launch a late period. Therefore, pregnant women are forbidden to consume the young pineapple.
-2. trigger arthritis. In the gastrointestinal tract, pineapple fruit fermented into alcohol. This could trigger a relapse rheumatic gout. People with rheumatism and arthritis are encouraged to limit consumption of pineapple.
-3. increase blood sugar. Ripe pineapple fruit contains sugar levels are high enough. So, for people with diabetes, should not consume excessive pineapple.
-4. itchy. Sometimes after eating fresh pineapple, mouth and tongue itch. To avoid this, before eating, rendamlah pineapple fruit pieces with salt water. Simple is not it?
-5. For some people, eating too much pineapple can cause headaches. Pineapple can cause allergic reactions in some people. Some people may experience symptoms such as allergic skin becomes red and itchy after eating pineapple. To avoid this, pineapple slices and dip into salt water before consumption.
-6. In the case of a serious allergy, lips and mouth can become swollen after eating pineapple. Besides pineapple can also cause diarrhea or nausea in some people. This can happen if people who are allergic to pineapple pineapples consumed in large quantities.

Benefits PEAR / PIR (PEAR)

Pear fruit consumption to help overcome the discomfort in the stomach due to excessive levels of acid that comes from high-calorie foods, oily and spicy. Pear juice can also be mixed with apples and a little lemon juice.
- Contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
- Contain anti-oxidants are good for maintaining health.
- Prevent various diseases and other health problems such as:
a. reduce fever / hot body.
b. menhilangkan dilute and coughing up phlegm phlegm on.

Benefits PEAR / PIR (PEAR)

Pear fruit consumption to help overcome the discomfort in the stomach due to excessive levels of acid that comes from high-calorie foods, oily and spicy. Pear juice can also be mixed with apples and a little lemon juice.
- Contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
- Contain anti-oxidants are good for maintaining health.
- Prevent various diseases and other health problems such as:
a. reduce fever / hot body.
b. menhilangkan dilute and coughing up phlegm phlegm on.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blimbing fruit and its benefits (star fruit)

fruit For Health Benefits :

What comes to mind when seeing the fruit star fruit? Fresh fruit for fun with my chum rujakan or the sweet-sour of the most fun to eat when hot? Not only that, Carambola was telling a bunch of properties. You'll not wonder, refer Khasiatnya deh.
Carambola fruit, including fruit is most often found, ranging from traditional markets to supermarkets that luxury. It is this fruit has many fans (and probably you), because fruit is said to have originated from Malaysia was felt rame banget, no tamarind, sweet and slightly sepat that makes anyone who tasted so curious. This fruit is generally used as a mixed salad, juice or eaten directly, but loads of benefits to maintain health and beauty.
Carambola is a tree fruit crop that comes from the region of Malaysia, then spread to various countries other tropical climates in the world, including Indonesia. Starfruit in society generally there are two main types.
First, Carambola Averrhoa Carambola Sweet or great shape, less than handful adult hands. Has a wavy shape and star-like greenish yellow bewarna. No wonder many people as menyabutnya Star Fruits (Star Fruit). Rasanay diverse, when fully ripe, it will be sweet with a slightly sour taste.
The second type of Avverhoa blimbi taua is commonly called star fruit or star fruit vegetable wuluh. Why so-called star fruit vegetable? Because this type of fruit star fruit often found in food such as vegetables or cooking desert acid. Form much smaller fruit than sweet star fruit. Starfruit-shaped vegetable is generally no more than the fingers of adults, light green and have a sour taste, but refreshing.
Benefits Carambola
Star fruit taste sweet fruit is sweet and refreshing. In addition, the fruit in English is called Fruit Star (Star Fruit) is full of nutrition. Vitamins A and C which contains a powerful antioxidant against free radicals, increases stamina.
In the sweet star fruit is also rich in pectin. Pektinnya able to trap cholesterol, prevent hardening of hepatitis or liver disease, and bile acids found in the intestines and helps disposal. Useful and facilitate the process of fiber digestion. In a sense, this fruit is a favorite fruit of the dieters who want to tetep slim.
Star Fruit Juice Body Dealers
Discharged home from work knackered body feels, especially if bete. Well, let seger cobain dech Starfruit Juice recipe Dealers Body.
- 2 fruit blend large star fruit already peeled and seeded with 100 ml of orange juice, sugar, ice cubes plus a little taste of condensed milk just about anything, let me add okay.
- Blend all ingredients until smooth and serve while hot days. Wiiih seger banget!!

Gain Benefits From Petei

Many people have been underestimated banana. The food that we often make this dish is more popular than Khasiatnya smell. But who would have thought a lot pete fans have tremendous benefits. Because Pete tu contain 3 natural sugars sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. So simply by consuming 2 servings of bananas, you can add 90 minutes of power!. Not great.

Another benefit of the banana is the ability to cure various kinds of pemyakit between.

Depression :
According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin. This is what will make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.
PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
If you have PMS as 'guests' come, you ga need this pill or that, quite overcome by eating a banana. Vitamin B6 a banana contains regulate blood sugar levels, which can help the mood.

Containing a high iron, bananas can stimulate the production of red blood cells and help in case of anemia.

High blood pressure:
This unique tropical fruit is very high potassium, but low in salt, making it perfect for combating high blood pressure. So high that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) easily helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.

Because of the high in fiber, including bananas
restore normal bowel action,
help overcome the problem without
back to laksativ.

One of the quickest ways to heal
"Illness hangover is to make a banana milkshake, which
sweetened with honey. Pete will help to calm
stomach and the honey will help the level of tk meningka
blood sugar is falling, while the milk will soothe
and again to improve the level of fluid in the body.

Pete antacid effect in the body, so that if
Your chest feels hot due to overeating,
try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Morning sickness:
Eat bananas between meals will help
maintain blood sugar levels and avoid vomiting.

Mosquito bites:
Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try to
rubbing the affected area with the bite
in a banana skin. Many people managed to cope with
itching and swelling in this way.

Pete B vitamins in large numbers, so
will help calm the nervous system.

Research at the Institute of Psychology in Austria
found that the pressure at work leads
to gorging on comfort food like
chocolate and crisps. By looking at 5,000 patients
in the hospital, researchers found that most
obese were high-pressure jobs.
Yimpulkan to report that, to avoid lust
eat foods with panic, we need to control
blood sugar levels in snack foods with a high
carbohydrate every two hours to maintain
fixed levels.

The banana is used as food for treating
digestion because of its soft texture and smooth.
This fruit is the only raw fruit that can be
eaten without distress in some cases
severe. It also neutralizes acid
the stomach and reduces irritation by coating
surface of the stomach.

Regulate body temperature:
Many other cultures see bananas as a fruit
'Cold' that can reduce body temperature and emotions
expectant mothers their children. In Dutch
for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure
their baby is born with a cool temperature.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) (emotional illness
Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain
natural mood booster, tryptophan.

Bananas can also help people who want to quit smoking.
Vitamin B6 and B12 they contain, together with
potassium and magnesium, helps the body recover from the
effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps to
normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain
and regulates body fluid balance. When we
stressed, our metabolic rate will increase,
that will reduce the levels of potassium in the body. This
This can be balanced with food aid
high-potassium petai.

Stroke :
According to research in "The New England Journal of
Medicine, "eating bananas as part of the food
daily would reduce deaths due esiko r
stroke by 40%.
Those who like to turn on natural
swear that if you want to turn off the ticks,
take a piece of banana skin and place it in the louse.
Carefully hold the skin in place with a pl ester!
Then ... after reading it, you must be a trust
that banana is a natural remedy for a variety of
disease. If dibandingin ma apple, it has
protein 4 times as much, twice the carbohydrate
more, three times the phosphorus, five times
Vitamin A and iron, and twice as many
vitamins and other minerals.
So you make a banana lovers and been embarrassed by the unpleasant odor after eating, do not worry because the smell was not reversed sedapnya contained extraordinary benefits.

Benefits of Water in Life

All living things on earth must menbutuhkan water. Water can be regarded as a source of life. Many of the benefits provided water for living things. Here's important functions of water in life.

Water Working With Magic
If you drink lots of water clean and clear, then it will spur improvement of your health, where researchers found that, increasingly many benefits to drinking water in sufficient amounts for health, including:
Digestion and metabolism better
Drinking water in sufficient quantities to make good digestion and metabolism can work at maximum capacity. In fact, recent research from the University of Utah stated that water shortages could lead to decreased metabolism.
Improving the ability and endurance
You will be able to work harder / weight when you get enough water. In addition, water can strengthen your immune system. Because the water can increase glycogen storage, a form of carbohydrate stored in muscles and used as energy when you work.

Hungry bear
Sometimes hunger is the disguise of thirst. When you become dehydrated (lack of water) you may feel like eating when you really need is water. You can also use the satiety effects of drinking water for
prevent overeating.
Reduce the risk of several types of diseases
The researchers now believe that liquid water, or rather can play an active role in reducing the risk of several diseases such as kidney stones, urinary tract cancer, bladder cancer, and colon cancer (colon). Drinking enough water can also prevent constipation.
Effective weapon against a cold or runny nose
Antibodies in the mucus that coats the throat serves to trap cold viruses. This durability will weaken if you are dehydrated (lack of water) because it will cause the mucus to dry. For the record many health experts recommend water as an effective expectorant to reduce coughing.
The most powerful facial moisturizer
By drinking lots of water helps keep your skin supple, firm and reduce lines and wrinkles on the face.
Counteract fatigue due to travel
Heat may cause you will cause dehydration and fatigue during and after the trip. Drink lots of water before a trip and one glass every hour you travel.
Overcoming migraine / headache
The researchers said that dehydration can cause a migraine / headache, so if you are experiencing a migraine is very important to drink water in sufficient quantities.
While the primary function of water is:

1. Forming new cells, maintain and replace cells that deer
2. Dissolve and bring nutrients, oxygen and hormones throughout the body cells that require
3. Dissolve and remove the rubbish and toxins from the body
4. Catalyst in the metabolism
5. Lubricant for the joints
6. Stabilize the body temperature
7. Reduce the impact of the vital organs
By using specially drinking enough water, your body will always be fresh and maintain health.
Source: etnize

Benefits Soursop

Soursop (Annona muricata) in the form of plant or potion that major trunked small size and low. The leaves are oval shaped and slightly thicker in the upper surface of the smooth dark green is the color of the bottom has a younger. This plant can grow in any place. But to get a lot of fruit and large, most balk then planted in the area whose land contains enough water. In Indonesia, soursop grow well in areas less than mempuyai elevation 1000 meters above sea level. Soursop name itself is derived from the Dutch language means Zuurzak which kuranglebih the acid sac. Soursop fruit is more ripe than the sour taste sweet. Breeding the best soursop is through grafting and will bear fruit at the age of 4 years after planting.

Curable Disease:
Efficacy and benefits for the treatment of:
Material: soursop fruit is ripe;
How to make: blackmailed to take as much as 1 cup water;
How to use: drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
Water Bladder Pain Art
Ingredients: soursop half-ripe fruit, sugar and salt to taste;
How to make: all the material made cooked compote;
How to use: common edible, and performed regularly every day for 1 week in a row.
Infant diarrhea
Material: soursop fruit is ripe;
Method: soursop fruit is squeezed and filtered to take water;
How to use: drinking from diarrhea in infants by 2-3 tablespoons.
Anyang-anyangen (kecing often but little and hurt)
Ingredients: half-ripe soursop and sugar to taste;
How to make: soursop peeled and boiled with sugar with 2 cups of water; How to use: filtered and drunk.
Waist pain
Ingredients: 20 sheets of soursop leaf;
Method: boiled with 5 cups water to boiling until tinggal3 glass;
How to use: 1 times daily drink 3 / 4 cup.
Material: soursop leaves are still young enough;
Method: finely ground and added 1 / 2 tablespoons water, stirring until evenly;
How to use: mounted on the boil.
Soursop (Annona muricata) in each gram contains 100 calories worth as much as 65 calories, 1 gram protein, 0.3 grams fat, 16.3 grams carbohydrate, 14 milligrams calcium, 27 milligrams phosphorus, 0.6 milligrams iron, vitamin A 10 SI, vitamin B, 0.07 milligrams, 20 milligrams of vitamin C, and 81.7 percent hydrogen. In addition, on the leaf stems clan compounds containing elements of tannins, Phytosterol, ca-oxalate alakaloid murisine clan.

Wine Benefits

Benefits Gynecology and Health Benefits of Wine for :
Red wine I gave you ...
chanting lyrics over it famous, but we will discuss the health benefits of wine hehehe!
The cultivation of grapes including wine tricky turns out to have content efficacy and good benefits for health.
The wine is very rich in antioxidants and antimicrobial. Content of nutrients considered excellent and capable of countering various diseases. Other benefits, this fruit can increase sexual arousal and melelapkan sleep.
Fruit wines including the family Vitaceae and Vitis genus. The shape of this grape skin almost round fruit with blackish-red, green, golden yellow, or purple, and coated with flour.
The pulp has a sour taste sweet, and lots of water contents. The dominant type of acid in wine is Maleic acid and citric acid. The cause of the sweet taste in wine is the high levels of glucose and fructose.
Allegedly vines from around the Black Sea and Sea Kaspi, then spread to North America, South America, and Europe, then to Asia, including Indonesia. In general, the wine is a creeping plant. Altitude is a good place not more than 300 meters above sea level.
In Indonesia, the vines have been cultivated widely in Probolinggo, Situbondo, Banyuwangi, Palu, Malang, Pasuruan, Panarukan, Buleleng, and Kupang. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 71 percent of total world production of grapes used for making wine, 27 per cent as fresh fruit, and 2 percent as dried fruit.
Content of manganese in the wine category because it has excellent nutritional value of density is very high. Manganese is needed in the synthesis of the energy body, which helps maintain the stability of sugar in the blood.
Manganese is also necessary for the metabolism of body fat and connective tissue formation and bone. Manganese levels in the grapes is 0.07 mg per 100 g of fruit.
Vitamin C in wine is also quite good, which is 10.8 mg per 100 g of fruit. Vitamin C is known as the main compounds the body needs in a variety of important processes, ranging from the manufacture of collagen (fibrous proteins that form a net tied to a bone), fat transport, electron transport from various enzymatic reactions, hyper healthy gums, regulating cholesterol levels, and trigger immunity .
In addition, vitamin C is required for wound healing the body and improve brain function in order to work optimally. The need for vitamin C in women and men, respectively 75 and 90 mg per day.
Vitamin B6 in the wine (0.09 mg/100g) is essential for the brain to function normally, helping to form proteins, hormones, and red blood cells, whereas thiamin (0.07 mg/100 g) contribute to the functioning of the nervous system. Thiamin also give antiberi and anti-neuritic factor.
Potassium in wine (191 mg / 100 g) known to be useful for controlling blood pressure, high blood therapy, and clean carbon dioxide in the blood. Potassium is also beneficial for muscle and trigger work ganglion.
High potassium will also facilitate the delivery of oxygen to the brain and help preserve the body fluid balance, so that consumption of wine to make a fresh body.
Protect Heart :

Wine has many health benefits due to the chemical content in it, one of flavonoids. Flavonoid phytochemical compounds that provide color purple in grapes. Flavonoids can prevent the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol) 20 times more powerful than vitamin E, which is known as a natural antioxidant.
Flavonoid shown to have biological effects as powerful antioxidants, inhibit clotting of the pieces of blood cells, and stimulates the oxidation of nitrite can dilate blood vessels.
Flavonoid in grapes consists of two types, namely quercitin and resveratrol. Resveratrol in wine was also shown to inhibit endothelin-1 (ET-1).
ET-i synthesized by endothelial cells and is one component of the cause of heart disease. In addition, in the grapes is also there which alpha tocopherol is an antioxidant component. Levels of vitamin E on the wine is 0.19 mg / 100 g fruit.
Red wine is also very good for patients consumed the high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia). Saponin content of the wine. very useful to inhibit and prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the blood.
According to Andrew Waterhouse, PhD, from the University of California, saponins on wine quality and quantity is better because saponin soluble in alcohol. The average consumption of saponin is recommended per day is 15 mg.
Estimated in a glass of red wine contains about 7 mg of saponin.
Unlike the case with red wine, white wine is very good for people with hypertension. Publications issued by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that consumption of white wine on a regular basis can reduce the risk of high blood diseases significantly.

Healing Help

Efficacy of this fruit has, among others is to overcome fatigue and hypoglycemia, because the natural sugar content is very high, especially in the form of glucose and fructose. Wine also has long been trusted as an aphrodisiac (sexual arousal plant foods).
In addition, wine is also believed to help cure various types of cancer, prevent heart attacks in a way to smooth blood flow and eliminate fatty plaque on artery walls, as well as antiviral drugs.
According to the results of two microbiological research from Canada which was published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology, shows that grape juice can prevent and help cure several viral infections, such as influenza, polio, and herpes simplex type I.
This is due to the concentration of tannins in grapes are very potential to kill and disable the virus that causes the disease.
Prevent Pain In Cancer Patients
Wine is proven to help women in preventing the pain of breast cancer treatment. The doctors at the Institute of Cancer Research show that the antioxidants contained in grapes may protect against radiation fibrosis, the hardening of breast tissue around it due to radiotherapy is extremely painful. This condition is experienced by thousands of women around the world each year.
The doctors do not yet know what causes radiation fibrosis. They suspect it was caused by free radicals that are released during radio therapy. These free radicals can damage and even DNA.
Research shiuan Chen, PhD, from the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, reported that grape juice successfully suppress the growth of cancer cells by preventing the synthesis of the hormone estrogen plays a major role in the development of breast cancer.
Through laboratory tests, grape juice proved able to stop the production of the hormone estrogen in cells. Recent research using cells cultivated mouse tumor showed that rats who were given 0.5 ml of grape juice for five weeks, tumor size only a third of the mice not given the grape juice.
Other research results showed that extracts of red wine (not white wine) contains compounds similar to compounds in grape juice. Red wine compound known to have a phenol content higher than white wine. Phenol is a very powerful antioxidant, which has the effect kardioprotektif (protects the heart).
According to research Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Deparment of Agriculture, ptrestilbene content in grapes showed a strong inhibitory power against breast cancer cells. French scientists also found that red wine is acutimissin A that can inhibit enzymes that help cancer cells.
In a test known that acutimissin A has 250 times the activity is much more effective than cancer drugs VP-16.
Minimize the risk of stroke and anti-inflammatory
In addition to inhibiting the production of ET 1, a publication issued by the North eastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine reported that resveratrol in wine is also very useful to inhibit angiotensin II. Angiotensin II can cause negative effects on the heart due to secrete collagen, which can reduce the heart's ability to pump blood.
A publication in the Journal of Agricultural of Food Chemistry April 2006, showed that the resveratrol in wine can increase blood flow to the brain by 30 percent, so as to reduce the risk of stroke. Resveratrol is also useful to prevent cancer.
Publication by the Journal of Applied Toxicology in July 2003 showed that resveratrol can inhibit benzopyrene, are compounds that can cause cancer. Resveratrol works by blocking the receptor the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is present in the cell.
Publications issued by the Life Sciences in August 2003 showed that resveratrol can inhibit tumor cell growth. Resveratrol is also anti-inflammatory because it can inhibit the production of COX-2, an inflammation of the supporting factors.
So sleep soundly
The wine is very good for those who have trouble sleeping. A study in Italy showed that in wine there is melatonin, a hormone that is known to help regulate the human biological clock. The hormone melatonin will usually appear at night, so bring people to sleep.
Melatonin is also very effective to deal with hypertension. A study conducted by Frank Scheer from Harvard Medical School proved that the man who had intake of melatonin for three weeks will experience a decrease in systolic blood pressure significantly.
A publication in erciyes University, Turkey, called the wine is a good antimicrobial. The study showed that almost all types of bacteria including Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus can be inhibited at concentrations of 2.5 percent, except for Y. enterocolitica.

Wash Clean Before Consumed

Fruit characteristics that are eligible to be selected:
1. Fruit Dompolan solid, uniform fruit size, fruit still clinging tightly to the stem
2. Fat fruit granules (large)
3. It was very nice, sweet, and fresh
4. A good wine surface is slippery and covered with powder on his skin to protect from direct sun.
Fruit characteristics that are not selected are eligible:
1. Dried fruit stalk
2. Wrinkled or wilted skin
3. Fruit breaks, blisters, or rot
4. Color change (dull)
5. Blanched fruit base
6. Spots arise
7. There are mushrooms in the fruit stalk or grain.

When it comes to buying wine, keep in mind that this fruit will not become more mature when it is plucked from the tree. Because of that, the sooner the better consumed. The longer kept, the wine will lose its unique flavors and kerenyahan.
Wine should be stored in the refrigerator so that it kerenyahan and stay awake. Given that almost all the wine sold in supermarkets today is contaminated with pesticides, be careful in selecting and mengosumsinya.
To reduce pesticide residue levels, the wine should be washed thoroughly before consumption.
Ingredients Benefits and Health Benefits of Wine for it very much yach, therefore eat grapes for your health.

Benefits Watermelon

Watermelon is believed originated from the Kalahari desert, Africa. According to the researchers, the fruit is harvested the first time 5000 years ago in Egypt and according to ancestral beliefs at the time, the fruit is used for the burial of kings so that they get nutrition spirits in the afterlife. And from where the melon was brought round to the countries in the world.
Today, we know that that was buried could not be more clearly enjoying watermelon nutrition. We are entitled to enjoy delicious and how bergizinya the one piece of fruit each function with a glass of water. But remember, when eating watermelon, green part near the skin is the most important part you have to go eat besides the red / yellow only.

What are the functions of a watermelon?

1. If you're on a diet, then the watermelon is your best friend. The fruit is free of fat and sugar content has a combination of limited and abundant water content. Moreover, this fruit is quickly filling in the stomach.

2. Watermelon is good for people with hypertension. The water content and high kaliumnya can neutralize blood pressure.

3. Watermelon is also intensify work of the heart

4. Antioxidants including beta-carotene and vitamin C helps the body cells stay healthy.

5. Watermelon also serve to stimulate urine out faster so very good for those who have urination problems.

6. Watermelons can be used to reduce fever

7. Watermelons can prevent ulcers with potent

Is it true that watermelon is a fruit of anti-cancer?
All started from lycopene. One component of lycopene carotenoids like beta-carotene. But diibandingkan other antioxidants, like vitamins C and E, lycopene forces in the fight against free radicals far more powerful. Free radicals are going out of control, either because of the chaotic eating patterns, pollution or negative thoughts, decreased immune. As a result it a variety of diseases and tubuhpun skin becomes dry, dull, and sagging.
With lycopene found in watermelon, free radicals can directly lame!
Lycopene is able to crush the seeds of cancer. Many eating watermelon, even every day was no problem, it can shrink the risk of cervical cancer and pancreatic cancer in women. Cancer of the digestive, watermelon lycopene could prevent up to half the risk decreases, such as oral cavity cancer, esophagus cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer. So it is with prostate cancer. Wow!
In addition, lycopene is useful to create a glowing face, looking fresh and younger. For the elderly, the melon not only help restore the health problems more quickly, but also help improve mental ability and memory acuity.
POWERFUL FRUIT Watermelon called for a man, really??
Lycopene in watermelon kasiat also donated specifically for married men. This fruit can increase fertility and help to arouse sexual desire men. For those who missed had descendants, this fruit can also be very helpful. Believe it or not, research shows that compounds in watermelon sitrulin, has an aphrodisiac effect is as good as viagra, but with no side effects. Want to try?
Local watermelon with seeds, seedless watermelon, yellow watermelon, watermelon red, watermelon imports, round melons, watermelons oval, or any variety that, watermelon fruit remains excellent and highly nutritious! Make this fruit as a gift for the family you love. Enjoyed safe no matter how you like it and even incomparable freshness.

Melon and benefits

Do you like melon?. When reading this article, you immediately eat melon. Because why?? cheap fruit that contains many unusual properties as disease prevention. Approximately 95% of meat contains water melon, which can give a sense of cold and cool the body. Because the character of refreshing melon can relieve heartburn in the stomach. Melon contains vitamin A, B and C and contains protein, calcium and phosphorus. Mineral content in melon can even eliminate the acidity of the body and have healing properties constipation. The acidity of the body should be removed because it would interfere with digestion, especially in the stomach organ.
Melon Nutritional was 15.00 mg of calcium; 25.00 mg of phosphorus; 0.5 mg iron; 34 mg vitamin C, 640 mg IU Vitamin A; and 0.03 mg of Vitamin B1. Melon contains an anticoagulant called adenosine, which could stop the clotting of blood cells that can lead to stroke or heart disease. Meanwhile, the carotenoid content high melon can prevent cancer and reduce the risk of lung cancer because it is the main compound attackers cancer.

The melon has a very good diuretic that can cure kidney disease and severe eczema disease and acute. When combined with lemon, it can crush the melon uric acid diseases. So you'll want to eat the melon on a regular basis once a day in the morning.

Upshot: melon benefits for the health of our bodies are:
1. As an anticancer.
2. Exhaust system helps to prevent constipation.
3. Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
4. Prevent blood clotting.
5. Reduce the risk of kidney disease.
6. Eczema cure.
7. Prevent and cure heartburn.
Hopefully this article useful to you.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Benefits tomatoes

Tomato, is plant the most easy to find. The bright color really interesting. In addition to vitamin C and A, the tomato is said to cure various diseases.
If traced its history, or Lyopercisum esculentum tomato initially found around Peru, Ecuador and
Bolivia. In France, the tomato is called 'apple of love' or pomme d'amour. Said to be the apple of love, since tomatoes are believed to be able to recover meningkatkanjumlah impotence and sperm and increase agility movements.
Tomatoes are also widely used for cooking, such as soup, juice, pasta, dllnya. It was a bit sour and even make your appetite increase. Further research by DR. John Cook Bennett from Wiloughby University, Ohio, as the first to examine the benefits of tomatoes, in November 1834, shows that tomatoes can cure diarrhea, gall attacks, indigestion and restore liver function. Other researchers from the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland, also found other benefits of tomatoes. According to him, a yellow gel surrounding tomato seeds can prevent clotting and blood clots that can cause heart disease and stroke.
It is also recognized by the doctors of nutrition, Dr. Leane Suniar Manurung, MSc. Seeing so many benefits of tomatoes, then either consumed any tomatoes at an early age. "Moreover timggi tomatoes also contain vitamin C and vitamin A, which is useful to boost immunity." But what kind of tomatoes consumed good? If you look at the market, we can find tomatoes in two colors, namely red and green colors. This color difference shows vitamin content. According Leane, a good tomato is red tomato consumption. Red tomatoes contain vitamin C and vitamin A five times more than tomatoes hijau.Semakin ripe tomatoes, the rich content of vitamins. "Because it was a small child should be accustomed to eating lots of red tomatoes. This is essential for healthy eyes, "says Leane. So, do not hesitate to give the bullet a little tomato. Since the age of 6 months, a child begins to get used to eat tomatoes mixed with other vegetables. Destroying Free Radicals
In the red pigment in tomatoes, the other has more value. The red color in tomatoes contain more lycopene, an antioxidant substance that can destroy free radicals in the body due to smoking, pollution and ultraviolet rays. In addition, later known lycopene also helps prevent damage potent cells that can cause cervical cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer. "It is not only lycopene found in tomatoes, but also in red wine, watermelon and papaya. However, lycopene is the most abundant in tomatoes, "Leane light.
To get Khasiatnya, especially for adults, go Leane tomatoes should be eaten every morning as much as one or two. Sour taste in tomatoes comes from citric acid content caused fresh tomatoes, so it can increase appetite. This sour taste is very good when we dokonsumsi experience nausea or consumed by the women who have PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome). If not strong with taste masamnya, especially for that which has ulcer disease, Leane was suggested to consume even though in the form of juice that has added sugar, because akanmemperburuk disease conditions. Better Prepared
Unlike the other vegetables more useful if eaten raw, turned out better tomatoes mixed with food or crushed before eating. The researchers found that lycopene in tomatoes is issued more than a tomato eaten directly without being processed first. Unfortunately, despite abundant lycopennya content, tomato paste and tomato sauce are sold in the market has a lot of food laced with additives such as dyes or synthetic preservatives. "This additional material fact stimulate the emergence of many free radicals that trigger cancer.

Tomato Benefit :

-Helps lower the risk of heart problems
-Eliminate fatigue and increase appetite.
-Inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the prostate, cervix, breast and endometrium.
-Slows the decline in function because the influence of age (age-related macular degeneration).
-Reduce the risk of appendicitis.
-Helps maintain healthy liver, kidney, and prevent bowel problems.
-Eliminate acne.
-Treat diarrhea
-Increasing the number of sperm in men
-To restore liver function.
-Overcoming obesity
-Processing Tomato Tips For Drug
To treat sprains:
Heal with tomato mixture. Blended tomatoes and their juices mixed with sesame oil, the ratio of 1:1. After that, the oil is heated to live alone. Then, the oil used to massage the joints which had been sprained.
To cure ulcers:
Take a tomato. Then, all the meat and tomato seeds are heated, and placed on a boil. Soon it boils broke, and at the same time disembuhkannya.
For the treatment of acne:
Take a tomato that has been boiled, then cut into pieces. Rub pieces of acne on the face gently. Let stand for ten minutes. After that rinse face with water. Perform routine for a month. Bima Choosing Tomato Tips
-Select a ripe tomato scarlet.
Select tomatoes that are still hard and no soft parts. If any part of the software, meaning there are parts that have started to rot in it.
-Do not choose a dull tomato, select the color is still shiny.
Consider the tomato base, if it smells a bit sour and had started berarir, then it started happening decay. Choose tomato whose skin is still fresh and unlined, to indicate that the tomato is still new.

Citrus Fruit Benefits For Medical

In everyday life, we are not familiar with citrus fruits. Besides tasty, citrus fruits also contain vitamin C. fruit that has a sufficient diversity of this rich, save many benefits for mankind. Among others in the manufacture of perfumes, because the oil that smelled very sharp.

Utruj (orange) has many benefits. He is composed of several elements of, including: skin, pulp, and seeds of acid. Among the benefits of orange peel is when put in clothes moths or prevent tunggau. The aroma can neutralize dirty air. When arrested in the mouth can be scent or not mengurangu pleasant mouth odor, and helps the digestive process when used in the food mixture. The author of Al-Qanun book says, "Juice can be used as a skin wound, the ashes of his skin is a good scouring of leprosy."
The pulp is useful for reducing stomach heat. Also useful for people with bladder disease. Al Ghafiqi said, "Eating meat is beneficial to hemorrhoids (constipation)."
As for the benefit seeds, Ibn Marwaih says, "Benefits seeds can be useful for (poison) is deadly, by damping the seeds in warm water. Then the damping of water the size of the seed had taken two mitsqal (two scales) each weighing approximately twenty-five grams. Will also be very useful if the seeds are crushed and placed on the affected parts of the body the sting. "
The lainmengatakan, "citron seeds Benefits useful for scorpion sting, with two-way mitsqal drinking water soaking seeds obtained by soaking seds in hot water earlier. Also useful if he had crushed and placed on the sting. "
While others say, "Seeds beneficial to all affected by the poison and all the various kinds of insect stings."
Because so many benefits, it is worth if the example of orange made for the existence of a believer who loves to read the Qur'an.
Efficacy Sweet Orange (Citrus aurantium)
This type of man often consumed as a dessert fruit. Contains sugar and vitamin C is high enough, so it is good for the body's defenses, in the heat treatment and the sprue.
Frequently consumed, especially for children, giving the effect is very good for endurance, so that the body is not susceptible to disease.
Benefits Lime (Citrus Aurantifolia Swingle)
Not limited only as part of the kitchen materials or cosmetic materials such as shampoo, lemon juice is also beneficial in the treatment of disease. As a traditional medicine which must be obtained relatively easy, cheap, practical, natural and no side effects to the wearer.
Here are some of the benefits of lime in everyday life.
Insha Allah could cure a cough without fever
How to make a potion: cut lemon and squeeze the water taken. Then add honey as much lemon juice. Stir the ingredients until well blended. Drink three times a day with a single dose sebdok eating for adults and half a teaspoon for children.
Cough medicine with a cold
Materials needed: one lemon, eucalyptus oil and whiting.
Cut lemon and squeeze the water taken. Add eucalyptus oil and lemon as much whiting. After the three ingredients are mixed rubbed on the chest, neck and back pain sufferer coughs colds.
Fever in children
Materials needed: one lime, three onion suing, suing one garlic, one teaspoon, coconut oil and salt to taste.
Here's how: cut lemon and squeeze the water taken. Red onion and grated garlic and then add salt and coconut oil, stirring until well blended. Mix the lime juice and grated onion that has been mixed with coconut oil and salt. Kompreskan evenly on the forehead, especially the crown.
Drug fever, chills, cold
Ingredients: one lemon, half a papaya leaf midrib, kencur one finger joint.
How to make a potion: Orange juice mixed with leaves cut papaya and galingale. All three materials with three glasses of boiled water. Boil mixture until the remaining one glass and strain the water to drink three glasses a day and a half glass sebabyak.
Cough medicine in general
Materials: A citrus fruit juice, soy sauce and honey to taste.
How to make a potion: Orange juice taken cut and squeezed water, then mixed with soy sauce and honey as much. Stir until smooth. Minumkan once daily in patients one tablespoon. If for the children, three times daily one teaspoon.
So a bit of discussion about alternative treatment with oranges. Hopefully can give readers tips on telling mengahadapi Nagi's growing drug prices soar today. One thing to also to be noted, if the treatment with the above ingredients body reaction, such as skin reactions and abdominal pain and diarrhea, then stop treatment immediately.

Lime (Citrus auranfolia)

Many elements bemanfaat chemical compounds in citrus juice, such as linalina setat, limonen, geranil acetate, sitral and fellandren. In the 100 grams of orange juice contains: Vitamin C 27 mg Calcium 40 mg, 22 mg phosphorus, 12.4 g carbohydrate, vitamin B 1 0.04 mg, 0.6 mg iron, 0.1 g fat, calories 37 kcal, protein 0.8 g and 86 g. water Lime contains elements of chemical compounds, among others limonen, linalin acetate, acetic geranil, fellandren, sitral and citric acid.

With the abundant content, no wonder the potent blocking lime tonsils, malaria, ambient, shortness of breath, influenza, cough; fever, constipation, delayed menses, menstrual abdominal mules; dysentery, stomach pains, fatigue, body odor, wrinkles face. Equally important, able to inhibit lime oxalate crystal formation which is a cause of kidney stone disease

Jeruk Lemon (Citrus medica Linn)

In addition vitamin C is abundant, orange juice is also rich in vitamins B, E, sodium, and some micro minerals your body needs to sisitem immunity (immunity) and to prevent the virus that causes influenza. Lemon is also loaded with content that serves as bioflavanoid cancer-preventing antioxidants. Lemon flavonoids prevent LDL oxidation function that atherosclerosis causes heart disease and stroke can be avoided. Lemons are also abundant in the form of pectin fiber is good for lower levels
cholesterol and triglycerides.

Jeruk Manis/orange (Citrus Aurantium)

Types of beta-carotene and contain sweet bioflavanoid that can strengthen the capillary walls of blood vessels. Pektinnya too many terapat in fruit and orange peel, benefits to help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) cholesterol and mingkatkan good (HDL). Oranges are also abundant flavanoidnya content, such as flavanpis which functions as an antioxidant antidote to catch the cancer-causing free radicals. Flavonoids also prevents LDL oxidation reactions that cause the blood thickens and prevents fat deposition in blood vessel walls. Oranges are also rich in fruit sugar content that can recover energy quickly. Oranges are also rich in fiber (dietary fiber) that can bind to the substance of carcinogens in the digestive tract. Benefits constipation, hemorrhoids and cancer
colon can be avoided.

In the 100 g of sweet oranges contains 51 kcal of energy, protein 0.9 g, 0.2 g fat, 11.4 g carbohydrate, 33 mg calcium, phosphorus 23 mg, 0.4 mg iron, 57 mcg of retinol and ascorbic acid 49 mg. Jejruk also rich in fiber which can facilitate the process of digestion.
Types of beta-carotene and contain sweet bioflavanoid that can strengthen the capillary walls of blood vessels. Pektinnya too many terapat in fruit and orange peel, benefits to help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) cholesterol and mingkatkan good (HDL). Oranges are also abundant flavanoidnya content, such as flavanpis which functions as an antioxidant antidote to catch the cancer-causing free radicals. Flavonoids also prevents LDL oxidation reactions that cause the blood thickens and prevents fat deposition in blood vessel walls. Oranges are also rich in fruit sugar content that can recover energy quickly. Oranges are also rich in fiber (dietary fiber) that can bind to the substance of carcinogens in the digestive tract. Benefits constipation, hemorrhoids and cancer
colon can be avoided.

In the 100 g of sweet oranges contains 51 kcal of energy, protein 0.9 g, 0.2 g fat, 11.4 g carbohydrate, 33 mg calcium, phosphorus 23 mg, 0.4 mg iron, 57 mcg of retinol and ascorbic acid 49 mg. Jejruk also rich in fiber which can facilitate the process of digestion.

Jeruk Bali (Citrus maxima)

Great shape with white flesh pink ataug. These oranges taste sweet, sour and fresh because it contains a lot of water. Grapefruit contains B vitamins, provitamin A, vitamin B1, B2 and folic acid. Each 100 g of grapefruit contains 53 kcal of energy, protein 0.6 g, fat 0.2 g, carbohydrates 12.2 g, 125 mcg of retinol, calcium 23 mg and 27 mg of phosphorus. Other Ingredients such as flavonoids, pectin and lycopene makes this fruit will get richer substances beneficial to health.

Various benefits can be obtained if consume grapefruit juice. Compounds contained in grapefruit could prevent cancer, reduce the risk of heart disease, launched the digestive tract, maintaining healthy skin, prevent constipation, lower cholesterol and prevent anemia.



Avocado benefits :

Various benefits can be obtained from avocado, both fruit and daunya. The researchers from Shizuoka University, Japan. For example, find an avocado benefits in reducing liver damage, including damage caused by viral hepatitis. Here are some benefits.

-Overcoming kidney stones: Drinking water seduhan seven avocado leaves with ½ cup of hot water every morning and evening.
-For back pain: Boil 5 avocado leaves and warm water 500 cc 250 cc live. Embunkan all night and drink the next day. Perform a week in a row.
-To Sprue: Stir a ripe avocado with two tablespoons of honey and eat three times a day.
-Menghaluskan skin: Blend the avocado and then balurkan evenly for 30 minutes on the face and hands are cleaned with warm water.

Monday, October 12, 2009



Benefits of Apples :
Apples, who is not familiar with this fruit? The fruit is readily available for sale at various places the fruit sale. Various type and color of apple fruit is everywhere. Apple much preferred because it is typical. Based on the research, in an apple fruit is believed to have many beneficial properties for the body. What are the content of an apple? And what benefits can be obtained from an apple?

Vitamin :
Apples are rich in vitamins. Some vitamins are found in apples such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin C.

Rich mineral :
Apples contain many minerals. Minerals in apples include calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc.

Phytochemical :
Apples also contain phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are antioxidants to fight free radicals that come from pollution or the environment. It also serves to suppress the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) which can cause blockage of blood vessels.

Rich Fiber :
Apples are rich in fiber, so good for people who are in a diet program. This is because the high fiber so as to prevent hunger comes more quickly.

Fiber to reduce fat and cholesterol :
Apples contain fiber that binds fat and useful bad cholesterol in the body for later disposal.

Tanin :
Apples also contain tannins. Tannins are substances that serve to clean and freshen the mouth, thus preventing tooth decay and gum disease.

Baron :
At the apples are baron. Did baron's? Baron serves to maintain the amount of estrogen in the body of a woman.

Flavoid :
One of the ingredients of good apples to menjegah is flavoid disease. Flavoid a substance that functions reduce cancer risk.

D-glucaric acid :
Is D-glucaric acid that? D-glucaric acid is a substance that can lower cholesterol levels. D-glucaric acid is also present in apples.

Quercetin :
Quercetin merupakan zat yang dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan kadar antioksidan sehingga tubuh terasa lebih sehat dan mencegah berbagai penyakit. Buah apel mengandung zat quercetin.

Acid tartar :
In a sour apple tartar also present. Tartar acid that can nourish the digestive tract, because this substance capable of killing bacteria in the digestive tract.
Seeing the many elements of health that can be used, of course we can try to eat one apple every day.